Some Featured towelettes:
Refreshment Towel from Lufthansa
A cloth towel in a foil wrapper sent to me from Tom in Sweden.
Here's its back side
Medi-Pak Obstetrical Towelette
Acquired from a visit to the OBGYN by Trina.
Here's how and when to use it!
Iberia Regional Air Refreshing towel
Another fine towelette donated by Tom C.
I'm not sure which is the obverse and reverse side!
Massengill Towelette with baby powder scent
A very nice acquisition from Laura M.
It provides confident freshness...when you need it!
MammoWipe patient cleansing towelette and
its directions.
A donation from Linda.
Remember, if you're over 40, get a mammogram every year.
Polident Wipes Thanks Christine.
Can be used with dentures in or out!
Shout Wipes with carrying case
On loan from
Jan W.
Get help from the Stain Professionals
by calling 1-800-991-SHOUT!
Zeiss lens cleaning towelette
from the makers of the first planetarium projector.
Thanks Dr. Walter Bauersfeld for a great invention!
Three interesting wipes sent to me from
Coventry and
Goldstar !
Photos of four Star Trek cleansing toweletts. Photo sent to me from Dana:
They're wet Jim!
These towelettes are great for wiping the Klingon off the starboard side.
More photos of three Star Trek wipes. (photo from William Obermeyer)
Finger Pinkies
According to Anita in Brooklyn, this is called "OTEFUKI"
CVS Moist Towelette with
lemon scent
Cook Arts Science & Technology Center
Insect Repellent Towelette
An old photo of the Moist Towelette Museum in the first display case!
Want an allsky for your planetarium? Download these 6 files created with Digidome,
print them to slides and put them in your allsky slide system, if you are into 1990's planetarium technology.
Contact the museum's curator if you're interested in moist towelette content for
Digistar or other fulldome video systems.
| Flowers
| Moistwipe
Click here to see my Pride and Joy!
Here's a Moist Towelette do-it-yourself recipe I found on the web!
Live long and prosper!
The Secretary's Hand Cleaner.
Also an ideal companion around the house? Donated by Jeff H.
Te is "hand" Fuki is "wipe." the O is the Japanese honorific,
so you could call it "Honorable Hand Wipe" if you like.
Thanks Ruth and Dwight.
Kudos to Irene.
And a satisfied patron.
of the newest display and an older photo or two at the museum's newest location!
Watch out, these are big files (for 1990's technology). About 1.6 megs each. They open into a new window.
The Online Collection:
British Airways Towelette
| British Airways Refreshing Tissue
A Pile O' Moist Towelettes
| Italian Oven
| Quaker Steak & Lube
| Armor All
| Red Lobster
| Trump Castle (Thank you Liz)
| fria
Pet Wipes (Thanks to Carla)
| Mobil with Pegasus
| Sunhopper
| IcelandAir
| NBC (Thanks Bill)
Aer Lingus
| Hard Rock Cafe Beijing (Thank you James!)
Preinjection skin cleansing pad (Thanks Annie!)
| Royal Fingerbowl
| Tar-Off
Sip 'n Rinse
| Moist Towelette
| Winner's
Moist Towelette with Birds
| McDonald's
| Wash 'n Dri
| Disco
| Moist Towelette with Drips
| Japan (Thank you Martin)
Kleen & Dry
| Mercy clean from Japan (Thank you Kazu!)
| moists
Quaker Steak & Lube (old)
| Cream White
| BW-3
Fresh Nap
| Aro Palace
| Clinipad
| Bestvue
| Chili's
| Celeste Sani-Com
Diamond Shamrock
| Freshette
| Columbia Antiseptic Towelette
| Screen Cleen
| Eau de rochas
Thank you Merci
| Fingertowelette
Big Boy (Thank you James!)
| Treasury Alcohol Prep
Refresher from the USA Embassy in Sweden (Thank you Tom!)
| The back of the Sweden Refresher
Planet Hollywood in London (Thanks Lou!)
| Freshen Up
| Leverfresh from the Munich Airport
knife and fork
| nice 'n clean
| Alcohol Swabs (Thanks Jeff)
| another Moist Towelette with Drips
24 squares white paper towels. 1 cup witch hazel 1 teaspoon glycerine Separate and stack each of the paper towel squares from the roll; cut each square in half. Place the rectangles in front of you vertically, fold each rectangle into thirds as though folding a business letter. Fold each in half as though closing the cover of a book. Combine witch hazel and glycerine. Mix well and pour over towelettes. Let stand for a few minutes to absorb all of the liquid. Stack in a lidded plastic container or zip-lock type bag.
John French - Museum Curator
Moist Towelette Museum
755 Science Road
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
Your donations are greatly appreciated
Note: Due to the overwhelming number of donations received, I might not
be able to get all the recent towelettes on to the web page. Be assured
though, your towelettes are prominently displayed in the actual museum.
If you're in the East Lansing, Michigan area, stop by and visit the
Moist Towelette Museum. It's located in room 100 at the Abrams Planetarium
on the campus of Michigan State University.
Moist Towelette Museum hours are 9:30 am to 4:30 pm, Tuesday through Friday.
This page was last updated (just a little bit) on March 7th, 2024.